Query about Tool

Dear all,

We usually gather subdomains via knockpy etc tools … I have got the list but most of the sub-domains redirects me to the main domain like

abc.site.com redirects to site.com

I wanna know about a tool which can automate this so that i could save time?


You wanna find out which sub domains are redirecting and which are not redirecting…?

yes :slight_smile: wanna find out which sub domains are redirecting and which are not redirecting to main domain

You can use CURL to find out which response you get.

curl -I 'http://domain1.com' 'http://domain2.com' 'http://domain3.com' > output.txt

In this case i have to manually check for each or I have to copy and paste the subdomains many times which are in 1000+
what if i put a file as input and i got output.txt ? how it can be possible?

You can take a look at this post http://crunchify.com/linux-and-curl-how-to-use-bash-to-read-a-file-line-by-line-and-execute-curl-command-to-get-http-result/