We now have a low-privileges shell that we want to escalate into a privileged shell.
Basic Enumeration of the System
Before we start looking for privilege escalation opportunities we need to understand a bit about the machine. We need to know what users have privileges. What patches/hotfixes the system has.
# Basics
# Who am I?
echo %username%
# What users/localgroups are on the machine?
net users
net localgroups
# More info about a specific user. Check if user has privileges.
net user user1
# View Domain Groups
net group /domain
# View Members of Domain Group
net group /domain <Group Name>
# Firewall
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
# Network
ipconfig /all
route print
arp -A
# How well patched is the system?
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn