Hack the Box - Brainy Challenge

Brainy likes playing around with esoteric programming. He also likes math and has therefore encrypted his very secure password with a popular encryption algorithm. Claiming that his password cannot be retrieved now, he has sent the ciphertext to some of his friends. Can you prove to Brainy that his password can actually be recovered?

We have an brainy.txt file and inside


It’s a brainfuck language as name little bit hints towards that.


Now let’s google about p q dp dq c we get a nudge about RSA encryption.


import binascii
import struct

# return (g, x, y) a*x + b*y = gcd(x, y)
def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, x, y = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, y - (b // a) * x, x)

def decryptRSA(p,q,e,ct):
	# compute n
	n = p * q
	phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)	
	gcd, a, b = egcd(e, phi)
	d = a
	print "d: " + str(d)
	pt = pow(ct, d, n)
	return pt

def encryptRSA(p,q,e,pt):
	# compute n
	n = p * q
	phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
	gcd, a, b = egcd(e, phi)
	d = a
	print "d: " + str(d)
	ct = pow(pt, e, n)
	return ct

def convert(int_value):
   encoded = format(int_value, 'x')
   length = len(encoded)
   encoded = encoded.zfill(length+length%2)
   return encoded.decode('hex')

# x = mulinv(b) mod n, (x * b) % n == 1
def mulinv(b, n):
    g, x, _ = egcd(b, n)
    if g == 1:
        return x % n

def main():
	# By implementing Chinese remainder algorithm
	# 1) p and q are the primes
	# 2) dp = d mod (p - 1)
	# 3) dq = d mod (q - 1)
	# 4) Qinv = 1/q mod p *This is not integer devision but multiplicative inverse
	# 5) m1 = pow(c, dp, p)
	# 6) m2 = pow(c, dq, q)
	# 7-1) h = Qinv(m1 - m2) mod p  ; if m1 < m2
	# 7-2) h = Qinv * (m1 + q/p) 
	# 8) m = m2 + hq

	# m = 65
	# p = 61
	# q = 53
	# dp = 53
	# dq = 49
	# c = 2790

	p = 7901324502264899236349230781143813838831920474669364339844939631481665770635584819958931021644265960578585153616742963330195946431321644921572803658406281 
	q = 12802918451444044622583757703752066118180068668479378778928741088302355425977192996799623998720429594346778865275391307730988819243843851683079000293815051 
	dp = 5540655028622021934429306287937775291955623308965208384582009857376053583575510784169616065113641391169613969813652523507421157045377898542386933198269451 
	dq = 9066897320308834206952359399737747311983309062764178906269475847173966073567988170415839954996322314157438770225952491560052871464136163421892050057498651 
	c = 62078086677416686867183857957350338314446280912673392448065026850212685326551183962056495964579782325302082054393933682265772802750887293602432512967994805549965020916953644635965916607925335639027579187435180607475963322465417758959002385451863122106487834784688029167720175128082066670945625067803812970871

	Qinv = mulinv(q,p)
	print "Qinv: " + str(Qinv)

	m1 = pow(c, dp, p)
	print "m1: " + str(m1)

	m2 = pow(c, dq, q)
	print "m2: " + str(m2)

	h = (Qinv * (m1 - m2)) % p
	print "h: " + str(h)

	m = m2 + (h*q)
	print "m: " + str(int(m))

	hexadecimals = str(hex(m))[2:-1]
	print "solved: " + str(binascii.unhexlify(hexadecimals))

if __name__ == "__main__":

# http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/19413/what-are-dp-and-dq-in-encryption-by-rsa-in-c
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)#Using_the_Chinese_remainder_algorithm
# https://zzundel.blogspot.com/2011/02/rsa-implementation-using-python.html


Boom! We got the flag!